Friday, December 20, 2019

The Issue Of Same Sex Marriage And Gender Identity

Researchers have argued that argued for quite some time that policy and public opinion go hand and hand. Many who study public policy and public opinion in democratic countries that 1) public opinion influences public policy; 2) the more salient an issue is to the public, the stronger the relationship is likely to be; and 3) the relationship is threatened by the power of interest groups, political parties, and elites (Aldrich 1995; Dahl 1989; Mueller 1999; Sitmson, Mackuen, and Erikson 1995; Page and Shapiro 1983; Smith 2000 cited in Burstein 2003).The definition of a civil right is when an enforceable right or privilege that is prevented by another. The prospect to achieving a civil rights gain is first and foremost through the strength of its public opinion and then officially through the legislation. A rise in public support combined with high salience, can increase legislation influence which can create more opportunities to refinement. The issue of same sex marriage and gender identity has been the talk of the nation for quite some time. This topic has become a focal point for many debates worldwide. As country we are making the attempt to consider rights and protections that should be rendered to the people whose efforts have taken into effect such as the same sex marriage Supreme Court case that are being brought to the forefront this year. In addition to this there have been plenty of small victories leading up to this case. In 2003 the U.S. Supreme Court in theShow MoreRelatedFeminism Of A Post Feminist Period Essay1692 Words   |  7 Pagesperiod in which gender is no longer a major barrier to equity. The paper will utilise feminism theory through use of article to create an argument to support this debate. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Community Development Finance Institutions

Question: Discuss about the Community Development Finance Institutions. Answer: Introduction: The significance of development saw Australia develop several strategies and plans at millennium so as to develop their financial sector. Hence, the need for finance of projects has led about to the development of microfinance institutions in the country. Therefore, the microfinance concept has received massive attention since inception. This idea of microfinance has a great impact because they are pertained to elevate poverty as well as enhance economic development through provision of credit and savings services to those individuals with low incomes (Guardian, 2006). In general, we could pertain the idea of establishing microfinance institution is for the purpose of escalating proficiency in the Australian financial sector. Reason for choosing the topic The reason as to why I have chosen this topic is trying to emphasize on the need of microfinance as well as its impact in the financial sector. Therefore, the development of this paper will answer several questions such as; who largely benefit from microfinance services in Australia? What are the impact of MFIs institutions in Australia? What are the strategies put in place by MFIs to ensure that they attain their expected objectives? What sort of policy questions do these findings raise for MFIs and also the national government? Further explanation of why I have chosen this research is because of several reasons. First, this research may push the government to support and develop microfinance institutions. Secondly, MFIs management need to understand the perception of citizens on the impact of microfinance services (Burkett et al, 2009). Lastly, this research may act as a catalysts to other researchers to carry out more investigation in regards to significance and impact of MFIs. Literature Review Alam Majumdar (2011) perceives MFIs as financial development whose focus is on alleviation of poverty through provision of financial services to the poor in society. On the other hand, Gup (2005) perceives that a characteristics of microfinance include provision of access to financial and non-financial services to low income individuals. Nault (2008) research on MFIs has shown that since development of such institutions in Kenya. The country has experienced some form of development economically. Hence, this shows that MFIs have several advantages to the economy. Some business have thrived in Australia as a result of these institutions meaning that they have greatly flopped the economy (Parker, 2003). Methodology to be used In terms of the proposed methodology there are diverse methods that will be used in this research. Hence, for research design there will be use of cross-sectional descriptive design. The reason as to why this strategy is important is because data will only be collected once. Hence, descriptive form of research is important because of the information obtained on the current status of microfinance in Australia. There will also use of descriptive statistics because of the pertained group number represented during data collection. In addition, the use of primary and secondary sources of research will be used during the process of data collection. The idea behind primary data in this research is to get first-hand data in regards to MFIs in Australia. References Parker, K., Lyons, M., Australian Centre for Co-operative Research and Development. (2003).Community development finance institutions: Evidence from overseas and Australia. Sydney: University of Technology, Sydney - Australian Centre for Co-operative Research and Development. Nault, D. M. (2008).Development in Asia: Interdisciplinary, post-neoliberal, and transnational perspectives. Boca Raton: BrownWalker Press. Alam, Q., Majumdar, N. A. (2011).Cases in business and management. Prahran, Vic: Tilde University Press. Hoque, Z., Parker, L. D. (2014).Performance management in nonprofit organizations: Global perspectives. Burkett, I., Sheehan, G., Brotherhood of St. Laurence. (2009).From the margins to the mainstream: The challenges for microfinance in Australia. Fitzroy, Vic: Brotherhood of St Lawrence/Foresters Community Finance. Gup, B. E. (2005).Capital markets, globalization, and economic development. New York: Springer. Guardian, E. A., Philippines-Australia Technical Support for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development. (2006).Innovating strategies in rural development: Beyond the usual. Manila, Philippines: Philippines-Australia Technical Support for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development.