Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay about stylistic analysis of The Things They Carried

Exercise 1 The Things They Carried EXCERPT â‘   1. How is the term common secret typical of the phrasing of this whole passage? How is run or freeze or hide also typical of the excerpts phrasing? In which sentences does OBriens phrasing seem especially clear, direct, and simple, and why is such phrasing so effective? How would you describe the tone of this passage? How might the tone easily have been quite different? For instance, how could it have been highly emotional and melodramatic? Why do you think OBrien chose to avoid that kind of tone? One of the most significant features of the phrasing is conciseness. As a reader first time reading this book, I seldom find it difficult to understand the words or sentences, because the†¦show more content†¦Even so, I don’t think this kind of fear is totally fictional. It may be common among the soldiers. The author uses ironic tone to point out the serious truth: soldiers lost their goal and fighting will; they move and fight not because they want to; the aim and achievements of the Vietnam War need to be reassess. In this way, the anticlimactic word could be a good choice to show the author’s attitude to the war. The last sentence of this passage tells us that although the soldiers sneered at deserters, they are willing to do the same thing from the deep of their heart. â€Å"They imagined the muzzle against flesh†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦They imagined the quick, sweet pain, then the evacuation to Japan, then a hospital with warm beds and cute geisha nurses. And they dreamed of freedom birds.† The claim may conflict with the viewpoints of supporters of the war who might be warm-blooded and brave in the battle. But true life requires peace and calm. And the thoughts of escape will take root and sprout after seeing the cruelty of war. In my view, ignorant people support the war only because they haven’t take part in the war. The memories and thoughts of war is really a clichà ©. In this passage, some of them may be the unresolved traces of traumatic experiences, but they are also the inspiration for the author’s writing. The distinction between trauma and inspiration is frequently blurred: Many of the pieces dramatize traumatization and various reactions to it, whereas others show how traumaShow MoreRelatedThe Solitary Reaper1342 Words   |  6 PagesStylistic Analysis on the Solitary Reaper The Solitary Reaper is one of William Wordsworths most famous post-Lyrical Ballads lyrics. It describes the poet’s delight in a young woman’s melancholy song in an unknown language. A highland girl is singing a melancholy song as she wings a sickle and reaps grain. The song is carried through the hills and valleys and seems to echo all around. To the poet the song seems sweeter even than the song of Nightingale. 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